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  • Tuesday, February 07, 2023 10:47 | Segreteria SienaCongress (Administrator)

    Il congresso annuale dell'ITRN, in presenza, si terrà presso Università "La Sapienza" a Roma i24 febbraio 2023 presso l'Aula 3, I piano, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia Università "La Sapienza" Via dei Marsi 78, 00185, Roma


  • Friday, May 06, 2022 10:23 | Segreteria SienaCongress (Administrator)

    The ITRN meeting will be the first public event organized by ITRN in person The title of the meeting is Provando e riprovando which recalls the motto of the Accademia del Cimento, established in 1657 in Florence to implement Galileo's experimental method

    The meeting will be held onFriday 13 May from 01:50 pm to about 5:30 pm CEST,in the splendid setting of the Salone delle Robbiane, Villa La Quiete /AOU Meyer Firenze hosted by Tiziana Metitieri.

    We will keep registrations open on a first come first served basis until we reach our capacity limit. The official language of the event will be Italian, but presentations can also be given in English.

    For more information web site ITRN MEETING

  • Friday, September 10, 2021 11:21 | Segreteria SienaCongress (Administrator)

    Informiamo tutti gli interessati che il simposio dal titolo "EMERGING CONCEPTS IN NEUROSCIENCE" è stato RINVIATO al prossimo anno

  • Thursday, March 11, 2021 11:43 | Anonymous

    Come ogni anno, la Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca partecipa a questo importante progetto, animata dalla passione e dalla volontà di condividere le meraviglie del cervello e i risultati della ricerca, mostrando “da dentro” l’impatto della scienza sulla nostra vita quotidiana. E oltre al coinvolgimento di diversi nostri Soci, durante la giornata di apertura verranno presentati i risultati dello studio promosso dalla nostra società sugli effetti psicofisiologici della pandemia.

    "La Settimana Mondiale del Cervello è un evento internazionale dedicato ad accrescere la consapevolezza delle persone sull’organo più straordinario e affascinante del nostro corpo e la sua area di ricerca. Dalla prima edizione nel 1996 negli Stati Uniti, ha coinvolto oltre 7mila partner in 117 Paesi diversi, svolgendosi ogni anno in contemporanea in tutto il mondo, nel mese di marzo.

    È un anno particolare, lo sappiamo. Ma la Settimana del Cervello non si ferma e porta “le neuroscienze on line”. Voi state comodamente seduti a casa, saremo noi a “venire” da voi con i contributi video dei nostri ricercatori e professori, i laboratori virtuali e i tanti materiali di educazione, intrattenimento e gioco pensati per i più piccoli, da scaricare direttamente sul vostro pc."

  • Friday, January 15, 2021 15:57 | Anonymous


    Quando tutto cambia

    27-29 gennaio 2021

    Congresso Virtuale


    Inviamo il programma aggiornato del corso con la preghiera di diffondere l’informazione attraverso i vostri canali web e tramite comunicazione ai vostri Soci, i quali potranno procedere all’iscrizione tramite apposita scheda pubblicata sul sito del Congresso

  • Saturday, November 07, 2020 12:03 | Anna Gnozzi

    Carissimi Soci,

    Siamo lieti di portare alla vostra attenzione il video teaser con il programma completo della conferenza “Culture and Consciousness” scaricabile da questo link:

    Il convegno “Culture and Consciousness”  si svolgerà in diretta streaming dal 9 al 13 novembre a partire dalle ore 19 collegandosi al sito:

    Video teaser generale del progetto “Human Brains”

  • Wednesday, February 19, 2020 12:26 | Anna Gnozzi

    in allegato il programma di un convegno dal titolo "Nuovi approcci alla gestione dei pazienti con disturbi neurologici funzionali" che si terrà a Verona il 3 aprile.
    Il convegno è gratuito e accreditato ECM.

    Dato il numero limitato di posti, è necessaria l'iscrizione al seguente link: entro il 29 febbraio.

    Locandina Verona_Layout 1.pdf

  • Tuesday, February 19, 2019 07:25 | Anonymous

    Wednesday, May 22nd- Friday, May 24th
    AISC midterm conference 2019

    From brain to behavior: neuroscience and the social sciences

    Confirmed invited speakers
    Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Zurich)
     Sarah Genon (Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine, Jülich)
    Francesco Guala (University of Milan)
    Marco Tamietto (University of Turin, University of Tilburg, University of Oxford)

    The 2019 Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) midterm Conference will be held in Lucca on May 22nd-24th and will be hosted by the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca. We welcome contributions from any area of cognitive science, with special emphasis on the interaction between disciplines studying the brain/mind and the social sciences (broadly understood).

    In recent years, the exploration of the cognitive and neurobiological foundations of rational behavior and decision-making has undergone significant changes and has raised methodological and theoretical challenges in many fields, including philosophy, psychology, economics, linguistics, computer science, and ethics. Cognitive neuroscience, behavioral economics, and other approaches like neuroeconomics and neuroethics are casting new light on traditional issues while also raising additional problems and questions.

    We are interested in exploring questions such as: How can neuroscience inform research on phenomena such as social behavior, norms, and institutions? What can we learn about these phenomena from computational models? Which challenges do cognitive science raise to established theoretical frameworks, and what new paths do they open? How do cognitive and social sciences fields interact? Is there (or could there be) a common language through which the findings from one field can be made relevant to other disciplines? Are cognitive and social sciences incommensurable to some degree? Should psychology take the middle ground between brain data and social sciences, or can there be a direct ‘leap’ from brain to (economic, moral, etc.) behavior?

    The conference will take place in the newly restored San Francesco Complex, located within the IMT School for Advanced Studies’ campus in Lucca. IMT is a public university and research center and one of Italy’s six Schools of Excellence, with a focus on neuroscience, (behavioral) economics and the analysis of complex systems.

    Visit the AISC webpage

  • Wednesday, May 30, 2018 16:56 | Anonymous
    The Blind Brain Workshop on the Sensory Deprived Brain
    October 11-13, 2018
    Tuscany, Italy

    Purpose of the Workshop
        The overall purpose of The Blind Brain Workshop is to highlight how the view of the brain has changed from the study of the sensory deprived model. Within this framework the Workshop aims to provide the optimal setting for a full immersion into the most recent research advancements on the sensory deprived brain, with the aim to tackle from multiple perspectives, conceptual and methodological challenges. We aim to gather scientists from all-over the world to understand the role of perceptual experiences in brain morphological and functional development and plasticity. We would like to provide the context for knowledge exchange and confrontation within the fields of research of sensory deprivation and brain plasticity.

    The workshop will include the following scientific areas:

    • Experience-dependent brain plasticity
    • Experience-independent brain development
    • Sensory deprivation and restoration
    • Innovative approaches for the study of the sensory deprived brain
    • Comparative sensory-deprived models
    • Intramodal and Crodss-modal plasticity
    • Supramodality
    • Task/Functional Selectivity
    • Rehabilitative approaches after sensory loss (e.g. sensory substitution devices)
    • Novel Methods


    Amir Amedi
    Holly Bridge
    Velia Cardin
    Zaira Cattaneo
    Olivier Collignon
    Stefan Debener
    Marc Ernst
    Monica Gori
    Stephen Lomber
    Lotfi Merabet
    Maria Concetta Morrone
    Micah Murray
    Maurice Ptito
    Ella Striem-Amit
    Emiliano Ricciardi
    Marcin Szwed
    Brigitte Röder
    Ehud Zohary
    Bernhard Sabel

  • Tuesday, May 29, 2018 15:48 | Anonymous
    the CIMeC (Center for Mind/Brain Sciences) of the University of Trento is pleased to announce the workshop:
    Transcranial Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop
    December 6 - 7, 2018 Rovereto (Italy)

    For further information and registration, please, go to event website:
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